What is change? Is it something that you do? Or is it something that happens? Is it even possible to change? To improve? And why are managers and leaders always changing something? Culture change programs, behavioural change programs, service improvement programs? Why can't people just leave things the way they are? Corporate managers know that change is expensive, and traditional change programs are largely ineffective. Culture change doesnt change the culture, because culture isn't the cause of the problem, and it's not even something that you can change anyway. And yet, you absolutely know...
What is change? Is it something that you do? Or is it something that happens? Is it even possible to change? To improve? And why are managers and lead...
You can read countless books on coaching models, techniques and theories, you can attend courses on many different types of coaching, and you can gain qualifications from institutions all over the world in coaching. And yet all of this is worthless if you cannot achieve three simple things with your clients. Without these three things, you will never achieve the true depth of connection and engagement that enables all of those wonderful techniques to work. You'll be like a car mechanic who has a wonderful, sparkling toolkit but no way to get to the engine. This masterclass will give you those...
You can read countless books on coaching models, techniques and theories, you can attend courses on many different types of coaching, and you can gain...
The Unsticker is a tool for creative problem solving. You can use it by yourself, with your friends and family or in a group problem solving session at work. There are over 300 questions which, when asked randomly, will loosen and untangle even the stickiest of problems. Most people report that after 4 or 5 questions, either their perspective of the problem has changed dramatically, or the problem seems to be 'solved' altogether. And if that wasn't enough, using The Unsticker is fun
The Unsticker is a tool for creative problem solving. You can use it by yourself, with your friends and family or in a group problem solving session a...
This is the definitive NLP Trainer Training Manual, containing everything that you need to teach NLP at the Trainer level of SNLP certification.
Peter Freeth has probably more experience of applying NLP in a professional and business context than any other trainer working in the field, and over the past 20 years has created many innovations now used by trainers all over the world.
Your NLP learning journey has been a very personal one, where you have already made many wonderful changes in your life and your relationships. That journey continues with NLP Trainer Training, where...
This is the definitive NLP Trainer Training Manual, containing everything that you need to teach NLP at the Trainer level of SNLP certification.