Eight poignant, romantic and quirky holiday stories to enjoy for the holiday, including, The Three Gifts of Christmas by Nell Duvall, A Miracle for Christmas by Charmaine Pauls, Deck the Stalls by Shannon Kennedy, Merry Christmas, India Stone by Megan Hussey and Linda White-Francis, The Feast of Yule by Leslie D. Soule, An American Noel by Marianna Boncek, Secret Santa by Terry Barr, Merry Christmas, Henry by Aubrey Wynne
Eight poignant, romantic and quirky holiday stories to enjoy for the holiday, including, The Three Gifts of Christmas by Nell Duvall, A Miracle for Ch...
Seven marriage proposal stories of love, romance, and relationships. Artificial Tears - Charmaine Pauls The Spark - Ellyse Roberts Proposal Unexpected - Elena Kane One Perfect Moment-Tara Fox Hall Running Late- Caroline Andrus Cappuccino Dreaming - Louise Redmann Love Weavers - Katie Stephens
Seven marriage proposal stories of love, romance, and relationships. Artificial Tears - Charmaine Pauls The Spark - Ellyse Roberts Proposa...