Als Schiiler Ernst Mallys hatte ich das Gluck, mitzuerleben, wie sich urn 1930 die Philosophie Mallys von der reichen Vielfalt der Meinongschen Lehre zu eigenen geschlosseneren Konturen wandelte. Es folgten Jahre intensiven Weiterbaus bis zum Todesjahr 1944. Durch widrige Um- sHinde, Krankheit und Krieg, kamen Mallys Erkenntnisse nicht zu brei- terer Wirkung. Urn so erfreulicher ist es, daB im Jahre des 25. Todestages und 90. Geburtstages ein Kreis Interessierter zusammenfand, urn ein Opus postumum MalIys, ein groBes logisches Fragment, von Mally einmal Schwanberger Logik genannt,...
Als Schiiler Ernst Mallys hatte ich das Gluck, mitzuerleben, wie sich urn 1930 die Philosophie Mallys von der reichen Vielfalt der Meinongschen Lehre ...
W.A. de Jong President of TNO Until some decades ago man supposed that the resilience of the environment was unlimited. He thought he could draw heavily on nature with impunity and that he could infinitely dump his waste into the environment. We have come to know better now: virtually everyone is well aware that one cannot just go on burdening the environment of man, animal and plant to such an extent. TNO, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, is among those research institutions that are working on economically feasible solutions for pollution problems resulting from...
W.A. de Jong President of TNO Until some decades ago man supposed that the resilience of the environment was unlimited. He thought he could draw heavi...
Building upon a range of case studies that range from civil war to maritime security and cyber crime, the contributors analyse how non-state actors can and should be involved in contributing to state and human security.
Building upon a range of case studies that range from civil war to maritime security and cyber crime, the contributors analyse how non-state actors ca...