There is nO' dDubt that the mioroprooessor ( p) revDlutiDn will cDntinue intO' the future and many will be required to' specify and integrate mi crDprDceSSDrs intO' prDducts Dr systems in their Dwn disciplines. There fDre, well-designed flexible interfaoes will be required to' ensure CDm patibility with Dther equipments and to' extend design DptiDns. AlthDugh there are several bDDks Dn micrDcDmputers and micrDprDcessDrs, Dnly few Df thDse devDte but a small part Dn the impDrtant aspects Df interfaces. It was with this in mind that the present bDDk was written as a selfcDn tained vDlume to' be...
There is nO' dDubt that the mioroprooessor ( p) revDlutiDn will cDntinue intO' the future and many will be required to' specify and integrate mi crDpr...