En Pioneros del psicoanalisis infantil, Beatriz Markman Reubins nos acerca la vida y las teorias de los primeros innovadores de la teoria psicoanalitica aplicada al desarrollo del nino -Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, D.W. Winnicott, Margaret Mahler y John Bowlby. El pensamiento creativo mostrado por Markman Reubins se basa en su tejido unico de historia personal y aplicacion teorica, en el que la elaboracion detallada de los pensamientos de los pensadores influyentes fluye sin interrupciones desde principios del siglo XX hasta la actualidad.
El enfoque unico que...
En Pioneros del psicoanalisis infantil, Beatriz Markman Reubins nos acerca la vida y las teorias de los primeros innovadores de la teoria psicoanaliti...
In Pioneers of Child Psychoanalysis, Markman Reubins presents the lives and theories of the early innovators of psychoanalytic theory as it is applied to child development. The creative thinking she shows lies in her unique weaving of personal history and theoretical application. This insightful elaboration of the thoughts of influential thinkers flows seamlessly from the early twentieth century to the present time. The unique approach of preceding theory with the personal history of the analytic thinkers amplifies and gives texture to the unfolding of their understanding of...
In Pioneers of Child Psychoanalysis, Markman Reubins presents the lives and theories of the early innovators of psychoanalytic theory as it is ...