The Colloquium at Wiesbaden was the seventh in a series organized by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF) at intervals since 1969. The titles, places and dates of previous Colloquia are noted on page ii, with brief particulars of the ensuing publications. From the beginning, the emphasis has been on money and finance in a European setting, and the most recent Colloquium, held in Wiesbaden for the three days beginning on September 29, 1977, followed this well-established pattern. The subject, "New Approaches in Monetary Policy", was divided into four aspects,...
The Colloquium at Wiesbaden was the seventh in a series organized by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF) at interva...
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the eleventh Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF) which took place in Madrid in October 1983. The Society is supported by a large number of central banks, commercial banks and other financial and business institutions, by treasury officials and by academics and others interested in monetary and financial problems. Since its establishment in 1963 it has developed as a forum for the exchange of informa tion, research results and ideas, valued by academics and practitioners in...
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the eleventh Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Fina...