Set in the glamorous world of Bollywood, Kushi Cafe's cuisine is a heady mix of ambition, office politics, intrigues, and intricate relationships. Akansha persuades her mother to allow her to leave their small town and go work as a shop assistant in Mumbai while she secretly has plans of becoming an actress and perhaps meeting her heartthrob, Mega Star Aslam Khan. All Deep wants to do is to be just like his father and join the police force. But fate has other plans for him, and he finds himself thrust into the center of the entertainment industry. Clever and ambitious Parvez, the head of...
Set in the glamorous world of Bollywood, Kushi Cafe's cuisine is a heady mix of ambition, office politics, intrigues, and intricate relationships. Aka...
Set in the glamorous world of Bollywood, Kushi Cafe's cuisine is a heady mix of ambition, office politics, intrigues, and intricate relationships. Akansha persuades her mother to allow her to leave their small town and go work as a shop assistant in Mumbai while she secretly has plans of becoming an actress and perhaps meeting her heartthrob, Mega Star Aslam Khan. All Deep wants to do is to be just like his father and join the police force. But fate has other plans for him, and he finds himself thrust into the center of the entertainment industry. Clever and ambitious Parvez, the head of...
Set in the glamorous world of Bollywood, Kushi Cafe's cuisine is a heady mix of ambition, office politics, intrigues, and intricate relationships. Aka...