An unabridged, unaltered edition to include: Redemption the Ultimate Goal of Humanity - The Kingdom at Hand - Books Rejected by the Council of Nicea - Names - The Marvelous Story of Joseph and Mary - Man was Made Upright - It: The Eternity of Perfection - Sarah and Abraham - The Word of God Revealed - The Explanation of "Turning Water into Wine'' - John the Baptist Physiologically Explained - The Pleagues of Egypt in the Human Body - What Was the Word of God that Came to the Prophets?. . . - The Great Pyramid - Isaiah - The Optic Thalamus, - The Central or Single Eye - Statement by a Greek...
An unabridged, unaltered edition to include: Redemption the Ultimate Goal of Humanity - The Kingdom at Hand - Books Rejected by the Council of Nicea -...
Dr. George W. Carey was an American physician famous for his mineral-based theory of disease, and his oft-quoted statement that the human body is a "chemical formula in operation." Careys deep interest in esoteric subjects, combined with this medical expertise, convinced him that characters and events in the bible were in reality coded personifications of the occult physiological processes leading to Enlightenment. This secret teaching, he believed, was suppressed at the council of Nicea in AD 325, and has remained secret ever since.
In this complete and unabridged edition of God-Man,...
Dr. George W. Carey was an American physician famous for his mineral-based theory of disease, and his oft-quoted statement that the human body is a "c...
Unabridged edition to include: Introduction (What Jehovah, Eve, David & John say) Parts I (Wonders and Possibilities of the Human Body) II (The Bridge of Life) III (Optic Thalmus), and a Vision of Immortality at books end -
Unabridged edition to include: Introduction (What Jehovah, Eve, David & John say) Parts I (Wonders and Possibilities of the Human Body) II (The Bridge...