"In This We Hear the Light," is a exceptional collection of Cuba theme poetry by award winning poet, John B. Lee, - without a doubt some of his most outstanding work, juxtaposed by an equally splendid assembly of Cuba theme photography by Richard M. Grove. The poems and photographs represent the inspiration from many years of travelling in Cuba. Since first traveling to Cuba, John B. Lee came to love the island and to admire her people. "In This We Hear the Light," is an ekphrastic project, its literary efforts are beautifully complemented by Grove's exquisite photographs. The poems and the...
"In This We Hear the Light," is a exceptional collection of Cuba theme poetry by award winning poet, John B. Lee, - without a doubt some of his most o...
14 words: Living in the Shadow, is James Freys, Million Little Pieces, meets Vladimir Nabokovs, Lolita
26 words: In, Living in the Shadow, Grove successfully fuses elements of literary realism and memoir in this fictional autobiography about Mark Beatleman a devastatingly confused, reformed pedophile.
89 words: A realistic, confessional novel shuffles between rationalizations and redemption of a pedophile. Not since Vladimir Nabokov wrote his earth-shattering Lolita in 1955 has anyone attempted the topic of pedophilia on this level. After reading, Living in the Shadow: The Skeleton of a...
14 words: Living in the Shadow, is James Freys, Million Little Pieces, meets Vladimir Nabokovs, Lolita