In The Tinker Girl, a family saga about women for women, the protagonist Cate, battles against poverty, gender and class to save a highland estate and its people from ruin. The 1899 setting is Kevinishe, a village on the west coast of Scotland, ruled by the MacNishe lairds, their wealth coming from the distilling of a renowned single malt whisky. The book follows the journey of a self-reliant, spirited orphan girl growing to womanhood, weathering highs and lows in her search for security and a family of her own. Intelligent, determined and focused, she attracts, upsets, and succeeds. She...
In The Tinker Girl, a family saga about women for women, the protagonist Cate, battles against poverty, gender and class to save a highland estate and...
The Flame-Haired Woman is the second novel in a Highland trilogy by Mhari Matheson and continues the saga begun in The Tinker Girl. With the advent of The Great War, the end of a tumultuous relationship, a marriage of convenience, the closure of her beloved distillery and the disappearance of her son, Cate McAllister finds herself battling all over again. This is a family saga of a bygone age, featuring many voices, differing loves and friendships. Second Sight, healing, and an ancestral curse, are woven through war, tragedy, love, life and death
The Flame-Haired Woman is the second novel in a Highland trilogy by Mhari Matheson and continues the saga begun in The Tinker Girl. With the advent of...