Adventures in Shroomville, a Children-Young Adults novel, has earned many accolades and is honoured to be chosen by educators as an important featured part of the national Newspapers in Education program. Chapters are being serialized by The Hamilton Spectator, and likely other newspapers, throughout the fall. Shroomville had been a happy little village, tucked away deep in a vast boreal forest whose bristling green canopy stretched beyond forever... Oh, one little detail makes this village stand out. You see, these villagers are tiny... about as tall as a typical adult's size-nine shoe. And...
Adventures in Shroomville, a Children-Young Adults novel, has earned many accolades and is honoured to be chosen by educators as an important featured...
Adventures in Shroomville, a Children-Young Adults novel, has earned many accolades and is honoured to be chosen by educators as an important featured part of the national Newspapers in Education program. Chapters are being serialized by The Hamilton Spectator, and likely other newspapers, throughout the fall. Shroomville had been a happy little village, tucked away deep in a vast boreal forest whose bristling green canopy stretched beyond forever... Oh, one little detail makes this village stand out. You see, these villagers are tiny... about as tall as a typical adult's size-nine shoe. And...
Adventures in Shroomville, a Children-Young Adults novel, has earned many accolades and is honoured to be chosen by educators as an important featured...