Dace The Prince of the Stream is only the second book ever dedicated to this charismatic and widespread coarse fish. (The 'How to Catch them' book on dace was published well over 50 years ago.) This new book, generously illustrated in full colour, covers all aspects of the natural history of the fish, angling approaches, and the cultural
Dace The Prince of the Stream is only the second book ever dedicated to this charismatic and widespread coarse fish. (The 'How to Catch them' book on ...
Game fishes, particularly those of the salmon family, are critical indicators of the health of those ecosystems upon which we now know we are dependent. As the authors of this important environmental book argue, "Our game fishes then] serve as more than merely an indicator of healthy waters. Instead, they can be regarded as iconic of the ecosystems in which they occur." Moreover, "the quality requirements of different types of fish population have formed the backbone of a great deal of water management in the UK, Europe and the USA over several decades." With sections on how and why...
Game fishes, particularly those of the salmon family, are critical indicators of the health of those ecosystems upon which we now know we are dependen...