Originally published in 1936, this book formed part of The Craftsman Series, which aimed to give secondary school age children an insight into 'the development of constructive activities in the sphere of material things'. The text is comprised of extracts from the complete version of The Din of a Smithy (1932) by J. A. R. Stevenson; these extracts are arranged into short chapters to form a coherent narrative. The narrative gives an account of how the author established his own smithy and became involved in the creation of decorative ironwork. Chapters also provide information on the various...
Originally published in 1936, this book formed part of The Craftsman Series, which aimed to give secondary school age children an insight into 'the de...
Originally published in 1931, this book formed part of The Craftsman Series, which aimed to give secondary school age children an insight into 'the development of constructive activities in the sphere of material things'. The text is comprised of extracts from An Account of the Bell Rock Lighthouse (1824) by Robert Stevenson (1772 1850), a renowned Scottish civil engineer who specialised in the design and construction of lighthouses. Extracts were selected with the intention of providing an absorbing account of Stevenson's most notable project and joined together to form a continuous...
Originally published in 1931, this book formed part of The Craftsman Series, which aimed to give secondary school age children an insight into 'the de...