Time-delay occurs in many dynamical systems such as biological systems, chemical systems, metallurgical processing systems, nuclear reactor, long transmission lines in pneumatic, hydraulic systems and electrical networks. Especially, in recent years, time-delay which exists in networked control s- temshasbroughtmorecomplexproblemintoanewresearcharea.Frequently, itisasourceofthegenerationofoscillation, instabilityandpoorperformance. Considerable e?ort has been applied to di?erent aspects of linear time-delay systems during recent years. Because the introduction of the delay factor renders the...
Time-delay occurs in many dynamical systems such as biological systems, chemical systems, metallurgical processing systems, nuclear reactor, long tran...
"Compound Control Methodology for Flight Vehicles" focuses on new control methods for flight vehicles. In this monograph, the concept of compound control is introduced. It is demonstrated that both Sliding Mode Control (SMC) and Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) have their own advantages and limitations, i.e., chattering of SMC and the observability of extended state observer (ESO), respectively. It is shown that compound control combines their advantages and improves the performance of the closed-loop systems. The book is self-contained, providing sufficient mathematical...
"Compound Control Methodology for Flight Vehicles" focuses on new control methods for flight vehicles. In this monograph, the concept of compound c...