Dr Muhammad Akram, Dr Ejaz Mohiudin, Dr Ghazala Shaheen
Bioinformatics is the application of statistics andcomputer science to the field of molecularbiology.The term bioinformatics was coined by PaulienHogeweg and Ben Hesper in 1978 for the study ofinformatic processes in biotic systems. Its primaryuse since at least the late 1980s has been ingenomics and genetics, particularly in those areas ofgenomics involving large-scale DNAsequencing.Bioinformatics now entails the creationand advancement of databases, algorithms,computational and statistical techniques and theoryto solve formal and practical problems arising fromthe management and analysis of...
Bioinformatics is the application of statistics andcomputer science to the field of molecularbiology.The term bioinformatics was coined by PaulienHoge...
Dr Muhammad Akram, Khan Usmanghani, Muhammad Ibrahim Khan
There are a vast number of worms that can live within the human body. The worms live in the digestive tract, especially in the intestines, from where they obtain their nutrition. Worm infestations are present in people of all ages but they are much more of a problem in children. Pinworm, hookworm and whipworm are the three major types of roundworms. As they are parasites, they can be found anywhere, in the soil, in bodies of animals as well as humans. Roundworm infection is most common in hot or tropical climates.Parasites can get into the intestine by going through the mouth from uncooked or...
There are a vast number of worms that can live within the human body. The worms live in the digestive tract, especially in the intestines, from where ...