God's great story of salvation, told through His covenants and the stories of the ordinary men and women He used to weave the scarlet thread of salvation is not complete. The conclusion of His tapestry of life will come when Jesus Christ returns and establishes His kingdom on earth. The people God selected to illustrate His mercy were not perfect, as we are not perfect, giving us hope that God uses every person who believes Him to convey His message of grace and mercy to a dying world. The stories portrayed in this book show us that God's plan, formulated before the foundation of the earth,...
God's great story of salvation, told through His covenants and the stories of the ordinary men and women He used to weave the scarlet thread of salvat...
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Garamond} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Garamond; min-height: 13.0px} Eons ago, when God created the universe, He proclaimed it good. The first perfect couple, created in His image lived in a perfect world until sin crept in through Satan, a fallen angel disguised as a serpent. Adam and Eve believed his lies rather than God's promises and refused to obey His conditions. Estrangement followed with their connection to God's Spirit severed. Intimacy with Him was lost. However, God...