Diana Stanciu, Harro Höpfl, Harald E. Braun, Bo Lindberg, George Hugo Tucker, Erik Bom, Marijke Janssens, Toon van Houdt
If Justus Lipsius's Politica of 1589 and its importance to the history of political thought needs no introduction, Lipsius's Monita et exempla politica (1605), conceived as a sequel to the Politica, has been overlooked time and again despite the fact that it is a unique key to understand the precise character of Lipsius's political thought. For, is his widely read political dialogue a Neostoic discourse or is it Tacitean, Machiavellian, or even anti-Machiavellian in nature? Did the work play such a pivotal role in the genesis of the modern, centrally governed nation...
If Justus Lipsius's Politica of 1589 and its importance to the history of political thought needs no introduction, Lipsius's Monita et exemp...