Michele Bagella, Leonardo Becchetti, Iftekhar Hasan, W. Curt Hunter
This volume contains contempory analysis of three key developments in financial economics: financial integration; the dynamics of financial markets; and the information, computer, and technology revolution and its impact on markets and the economic performance, among others. With regard to financial integration, the contributions focus on three streams in international finance: the impact of increased financial integration on credit risk and on the required regulatory arrangements needed to reduce the probability of welfare reducing bank failures, the creation of new international currencies,...
This volume contains contempory analysis of three key developments in financial economics: financial integration; the dynamics of financial markets; a...
New venture founders and their sponsors seek to create economic value by finding and commercializing new and better ways of doing things. Their common goal, which also defines the purpose of the entrepreneurial process itself, requires a better grasp of the key elements that influence the choices involved in attempting to create economic value under highly uncertain conditions. It also requires a deeper understanding of the consequences of new venture investment as well as the various contextual factors that influence investment decisions and venture outcomes. When confronted with a...
New venture founders and their sponsors seek to create economic value by finding and commercializing new and better ways of doing things. Their common...
Examines the determinants of monetary and bank efficiency and the key factors that contribute to successful monetary and banking operations; the institutional factors that enhance or detract from the efficient manner in which markets work; and the macro, micro, and social factors that impact stock valuation and portfolio selection.
Examines the determinants of monetary and bank efficiency and the key factors that contribute to successful monetary and banking operations; the insti...