ORT Story Sparks is an emotionally-engaging fiction series that will fire children's imagination and deepen their comprehension skills. This Handbook is designed to help you get the most from these stories in the classroom; it includes guidance on comprehension, practical advice and useful resources including photocopiable activity sheets.
ORT Story Sparks is an emotionally-engaging fiction series that will fire children's imagination and deepen their comprehension skills. This Handbook ...
Learn key spelling and vocabulary skills * 100% in line with the new 2014 National Curriculum * Provides additional practice of spelling and vocabulary skills * Matched to the teacher resource book * Perfect for use in class
Learn key spelling and vocabulary skills * 100% in line with the new 2014 National Curriculum * Provides additional practice of spelling and vocabular...
The Really Useful Creativity Book provides approaches and ideas that will enable children to develop their creativity. Written for the primary school teacher, student or trainee teacher, the book shows you how creativity can flourish in your classroom.
With examples of practice included throughout, the issues covered include:
everyday creativity - ideas to get started on straight away
planning - with ideas for cross-curricular planning, and many other ways to plan for creativity
What is creativity and how do we teach it?
The Really Useful Creativity Book provides approaches and ideas that will enable childr...