This book is designed to cover the "Engineering Chemistry" Syllabus of B.E./B.Tech courses and it provides very lucid explanation about various concepts of Engineering Chemistry and it cover the requirement of Indian and various other universities 2012-2013. It consists of six units. It focuses role of chemistry in different branches of engineering in clear and lucid language, on the basic scientific contents necessary to understand latest issues.It mainly consists of Water technology, corrosion, corrosion control, Nano chemistry, Portland cement, Nuclear fuel, power generation, chemical...
This book is designed to cover the "Engineering Chemistry" Syllabus of B.E./B.Tech courses and it provides very lucid explanation about various concep...
Document from the year 2013 in the subject Chemistry - Organic Chemistry, grade: A-C, course: M.Sc-Chemistry, language: English, abstract: Chapter on Organic synthesis contains Preparation of m-Dinitrobenzene, m-Nitroaniline, Hippuric Acid, Azlactone, phthalimide, 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone, Anthracene-Maleicanhydrideadduct Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Aspirin, P-Bromoacetanilide, P-Bromoaniline 2, 4, 6 Tribromoaniline; 1, 3, 5 Tribromobenzene, Aspirin, Tetrahydrocarbazole, 7-Hydroxy4-Methyl Coumarin (Umbelliferon) and Synthesis of Phenyl Indole, 7 Hydroxy-3-Methyl Flavone, 2, 5 Di hydroxy...
Document from the year 2013 in the subject Chemistry - Organic Chemistry, grade: A-C, course: M.Sc-Chemistry, language: English, abstract: Chapter on ...