"A funny and troubling look at athletes and identity . . . Take Me Out is a dynamic, involving play." --Donald Lyons, New York Post
Darren Lemming is the star center fielder for the champion New York Empires. An extraordinary athlete, he fills both his fans and his teammates with awe at his abilities and his presence on the field and off. When he makes the matter-of-fact announcement that he's gay, he throws his team into turmoil and confusion, while he also emboldens his closeted accountant, Mason Marzac, to come to terms with his own sexuality--and to fully...
"A funny and troubling look at athletes and identity . . . Take Me Out is a dynamic, involving play." --Donald Lyons, New York Post
The second-outward of Jupiter's four major moons, Europa is covered with ice, as confirmed in views from modern telescopes and the thousands of images returned by NASA's Voyager and Galileo missions. But these higher-resolution views also showed that the ice is anything but smooth. In fact, Europa's surface is covered with vast criss-crossing systems of mountain-sized ridges, jumbled regions of seemingly chaotic terrain, and patches that suggest upwellings of new surface materials from below....
A Close Look at Europa . . .
And How Big Science Gets Done . . .
The second-outward of Jupiter's four major moons, ...