In January 1992 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) broadcast The Valour and the Horror, a three-part television series on Canada's role in World War II. It sparked a major controversy among viewers, war veterans, and historians. Brian and Terence McKenna, the authors-producers of the series, were accused of distorting historical facts, maligning individuals such as commanders Arthur Harris and Guy Simonds, presenting a biased account of events, and overstepping the line between journalism and drama. The Valour and the Horror Revisited brings together source documents, original...
In January 1992 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) broadcast The Valour and the Horror, a three-part television series on Canada's role in Wo...
In January 1992 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) broadcast The Valour and the Horror, a three-part television series on Canada's role in World War II. It sparked a major controversy among viewers, war veterans, and historians. Brian and Terence McKenna, the authors-producers of the series, were accused of distorting historical facts, maligning individuals such as commanders Arthur Harris and Guy Simonds, presenting a biased account of events, and overstepping the line between journalism and drama. The Valour and the Horror Revisited brings together source documents, original...
In January 1992 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) broadcast The Valour and the Horror, a three-part television series on Canada's role in Wo...
Why was Winnipeg the scene of the longest and most complete general strike in North American history? Bercuson answers this question by examining the development of union labour and the impact of depression and war in the two decades preceding the strike.
Why was Winnipeg the scene of the longest and most complete general strike in North American history? Bercuson answers this question by examining the ...