Inspired by true events, this rite of passage story follows the journeys of an orphaned eight-year-old boy, Mason Classon, a displaced owl named Hootie, and Jim Odom, who alongside each other find the strength and determination to overcome the tragedies that took so much from them.
Inspired by true events, this rite of passage story follows the journeys of an orphaned eight-year-old boy, Mason Classon, a displaced owl named Hooti...
Simeon: A Greater Reality, a series of channeled sessions from an entity identified as Simeon Peter, offers students of twenty-first century metaphysics new and exciting insights concerning the nature of reality and human intervention. In this revolutionary book, Simeon introduces a new twist on the supernatural, including the soul expansion principle, crucifixion as a universal symbol for the human death experience, a single DNA strain that holds matter into separate forms, chemical and astral constructs surrounding human conflict. Rogers's guarded approach toward her own trust and...
Simeon: A Greater Reality, a series of channeled sessions from an entity identified as Simeon Peter, offers students of twenty-first century metaphysi...