Microprocessors and micro-controllers have been extensively put to use by researchers to acquire, process and display experimental data in user- defined form. Hence, conventional instrumentation is being replaced by PC-based instrumentation, by effectively utilizing the processing power and software capabilities of a microprocessor. Low amplitude ultrasonic propagation is powerful and effective method to probe the properties of a medium since the properties of the medium do not change during the propagation. Thus, ultrasonic techniques have been extensively used as a basic non- destructive...
Microprocessors and micro-controllers have been extensively put to use by researchers to acquire, process and display experimental data in user- defin...
Early feminist pioneers contributed much to the functioning and reform of society, including making women's status and privileges equal to those of men. However, we still do not know enough about their efforts, strategies, sacrifices, and attainments. As such, through a focus on the lives and contributions of eight early female pioneers of England and America from the seventeenth century to the early twentieth century, this book helps to fill this gap. Among these women were religious and educational reformers, political activists, social advocates, abolitionists, feminists, community...
Early feminist pioneers contributed much to the functioning and reform of society, including making women's status and privileges equal to those of me...
Early feminist pioneers contributed much to the functioning and reform of society, including making women's status and privileges equal to those of men. However, we still do not know enough about their efforts, strategies, sacrifices, and attainments. As such, through a focus on the lives and contributions of eight early female pioneers of England and America from the seventeenth century to the early twentieth century, this book helps to fill this gap. Among these women were religious and educational reformers, political activists, social advocates, abolitionists, feminists, community...
Early feminist pioneers contributed much to the functioning and reform of society, including making women's status and privileges equal to those of me...
This elaborate book explores Quakerism, its legacy, and its relevance for Gandhian research. The topics covered here include the historical circumstances, conditions, and thought that led to the birth of Quakerism; the seeds and history of the movement; the themes, principles, and practices of the sect; and the aid, change, reform, and conciliation efforts Quakers made to make people, communities, and nations more tolerant, problem-free, and united. As such, the book will appeal to scholars, planners, policy-makers, and practitioners concerned with the boundaries of liberties, freedoms,...
This elaborate book explores Quakerism, its legacy, and its relevance for Gandhian research. The topics covered here include the historical circumstan...