These essays cover topics as radically diverse as Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Vaclav Havel, The Magic Flute and Viz magazine. All have been published before, and many have already proved controversial. The author, a leading Oakeshott scholar, contributes frequently to the TLS . Witty, moving and erudite, his prose is also conspicuously graceful and clear. This collection is addressed as much to the educated general reader as to the academic specialist. It includes an otherwise almost unobtainable exchange with Sir Isaiah Berlin."
These essays cover topics as radically diverse as Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Vaclav Havel, The Magic Flute and Viz magazine. All have been published b...
This volume explores the complex relationships between early Nineteenth-Century representations of emigration, colonization and settlement, and the social, economic and cultural conditions within which they were produced. It stresses the role of writers, illustrators and artists in 'making' colonial/settler landscapes within the metropolitan imaginary, paying particularly close attention to the complex interdependencies between metropolis and colony, which have too often been reduced to simplistic binaries of centre and periphery, metropolitan core and colonial outpost. Focusing on material...
This volume explores the complex relationships between early Nineteenth-Century representations of emigration, colonization and settlement, and the so...