There are an estimated forty-eight million Latinas/os living in the United States, roughly sixteen percent of the population. Not only are they the largest minority group in the country but also the youngest: one out of five children is Latina/o. The rise in the Latina/o population has caused for panic in some areas of the country, resulting in hostile and sometimes violent racism and xenophobia, and yet, much of that hatred is fueled not on facts but rather on myths about immigration.
To date, most studies on immigration have been data driven, focusing on migrating groups or policy...
There are an estimated forty-eight million Latinas/os living in the United States, roughly sixteen percent of the population. Not only are they the...
There are an estimated forty-eight million Latinas/os living in the United States, roughly sixteen percent of the population. Not only are they the largest minority group in the country but also the youngest: one out of five children is Latina/o. The rise in the Latina/o population has caused for panic in some areas of the country, resulting in hostile and sometimes violent racism and xenophobia, and yet, much of that hatred is fueled not on facts but rather on myths about immigration. To date, most studies on immigration have been data driven, focusing on migrating groups or policy...
There are an estimated forty-eight million Latinas/os living in the United States, roughly sixteen percent of the population. Not only are they the la...