While the world's poor are clearly hit hardest by climate change impacts, so too do they hold many of the solutions for how best to cope with its impacts, and at times reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero. Climate Change and Human Development offers a rich compendium of real life scenarios and brings home the realities of how poor people are suffering from and coping with climate change impacts today. Drawing on case studies gathered by the UP in Smoke group - a powerful coalition of global environment and development organizations including Greenpeace, Oxfam, Practical...
While the world's poor are clearly hit hardest by climate change impacts, so too do they hold many of the solutions for how best to cope with its i...
While the world's poor are clearly hit hardest by climate change impacts, so too do they hold many of the solutions for how best to cope with its impacts, and at times reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero. Climate Change and Human Development offers a rich compendium of real life scenarios and brings home the realities of how poor people are suffering from and coping with climate change impacts today. Drawing on case studies gathered by the UP in Smoke group - a powerful coalition of global environment and development organizations including Greenpeace, Oxfam, Practical...
While the world's poor are clearly hit hardest by climate change impacts, so too do they hold many of the solutions for how best to cope with its i...
Community-based adaptation (CBA) to climate change is based on local priorities, needs, knowledge and capacities. Early CBA initiatives were generally implemented by non-government organisations (NGOs), and operated primarily at the local level. Many used 'bottom-up' participatory processes to identify the climate change problem and appropriate responses.
Small localised stand-alone initiatives are insufficient to address the scale of challenges climate change will bring, however. The causes of vulnerability - such as market or service access, or good governance - also often...
Community-based adaptation (CBA) to climate change is based on local priorities, needs, knowledge and capacities. Early CBA initiatives were genera...