From thieves and tyrants to witches and warriors, here are twelve tales of women who gleefully write their own rules, who'll bend or break the social norms, who'll skate along the edge of the law and generally aim to misbehave. A. R. Aston - No Place of Honour, Stephanie Burgis - Red Ribbons, Zen Cho - The First Witch of Damansara, Jaine Fenn - Down at the Lake, Juliet E. McKenna - Win Some, Lose Some, Christine Morgan - The Shabti-Maker, Tom Johnstone - Kravolitz, Gaie Sebold - A Change of Heart, Sam Stone - The Book of the Gods, Adrian Tchaikovsky - The Blessed Union, Jonathan Ward - A...
From thieves and tyrants to witches and warriors, here are twelve tales of women who gleefully write their own rules, who'll bend or break the social ...