Lieutenant Hector MacLeod returns from defending his country in war to find that the life he left behind has been changed forever. The story follows a man on a mission to avenge the murder of his beloved. It is late 1700's in the wilderness of the Georgian Bay region of Upper Canada. Scots and other immigrants are exploring and settling this area of what will become Ontario. The adventure in this rugged and beautiful country begins with surviving the many battles with nature. Aboriginal peoples from many tribes are on the move through this area and are engaged with the newcomers. The people...
Lieutenant Hector MacLeod returns from defending his country in war to find that the life he left behind has been changed forever. The story follows a...
A Loving God - God in Human Life - Human Potential - Suicide & Despair - Heaven & Hell - Spiritual Renewal - The Future of the Church - The Destiny of the Human Family In 1937, minister and historian Rev. Hugh Cowan reflects at the end of four decades of ministry on the some of the big ideas of the Christian faith. He recounts some of the changes he has observed in Christian thought in the first half of the 20th Century. In this book, Cowan explores the realities of life and death as experienced with his congregations. Many of the challenges he discusses are just as relevant today. "This...
A Loving God - God in Human Life - Human Potential - Suicide & Despair - Heaven & Hell - Spiritual Renewal - The Future of the Church - The Destiny of...