David Hitchens, Mary Trainor, Jens Clausen, Samarthia Thankappan, Bruna de Marchi
1. 1 Aims and Objectives The major aim of this research is to identify and weigh the importance of factors that promote and constrain, the adoption of environmental initiatives by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The objective is to inform how policy can overcome obstacles so as to promote the adoption of cleaner technology (includ ing environmentally sensitive products (Oosterhuis et al. 1996)) by industry. Cen tral to the research is the testing of a set of hypotheses, which, inter alia, relate the adoption of cleaner technologies to competitiveness, management culture and the...
1. 1 Aims and Objectives The major aim of this research is to identify and weigh the importance of factors that promote and constrain, the adoption of...
David Hitchens, Mary Trainor, Jens Clausen, Samarthia Thankappan, Bruna de Marchi
1. 1 Aims and Objectives The major aim of this research is to identify and weigh the importance of factors that promote and constrain, the adoption of environmental initiatives by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The objective is to inform how policy can overcome obstacles so as to promote the adoption of cleaner technology (includ ing environmentally sensitive products (Oosterhuis et al. 1996)) by industry. Cen tral to the research is the testing of a set of hypotheses, which, inter alia, relate the adoption of cleaner technologies to competitiveness, management culture and the...
1. 1 Aims and Objectives The major aim of this research is to identify and weigh the importance of factors that promote and constrain, the adoption of...
Das Buch zeigt, wie man Methoden des Theaters der Unterdrückten und des Improvisationstheaters gemeinsam nutzen kann, um eine emanzipatorische stadteilbezogene Theaterarbeit zu entwickeln. Im Zentrum des Buches wird das dreijährige Projekt Kieztheater aus Berlin Kreuzberg in seinen Entwicklungsschritten, Ausdifferenzierungen und Besonderheiten beschrieben. Herzstück des Kieztheaters ist das Forumtheater. Die Herausgeber schildern vor allem Praxiserfahrungen und zeigen auf, wie Kieztheater für die Stadtteilarbeit produktiv nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Die Beiträge der Gastautoren...
Das Buch zeigt, wie man Methoden des Theaters der Unterdrückten und des Improvisationstheaters gemeinsam nutzen kann, um eine emanzipatorische stadte...