Originally published in 1987, this book introduces work on the intellectual development of children in the primary school. It contains chapters on the teaching of reading, writing, art, science and mathematics. While critical of many of the once popular ideas of Jean Piaget, the author also emphasises the continuing validity of some aspects of Piaget s thinking.
Originally published in 1987, this book introduces work on the intellectual development of children in the primary school. It contains chapters on ...
Originally published in 1987, this book introduces the reader to work on the intellectual development of adolescents relevant to the secondary school teacher. It covers the teaching of English, history, geography, economics, politics, legal studies, physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. Although it emphasises the continuing importance of Piaget s thought, the book aims to introduce readers to the non-Piagetian research that had taken place in recent years.
Originally published in 1987, this book introduces the reader to work on the intellectual development of adolescents relevant to the secondary scho...
Ian Bryan, Peter Langford, John McGarry (Edge Hill University, UK)
Hans Kelsen and Max Weber are conventionally understood as initiators not only of two distinct and opposing processes of concept formation, but also of two discrete and contrasting theoretical frameworks for the study of law. The Foundation of the Juridical-Political: Concept Formation in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber places the conventional understanding of the theoretical relationship between the work of Kelsen and Weber into question. Focusing on the theoretical foundations of Kelsen's legal positivism and Weber's sociology of law, and guided by the conceptual frame of the...
Hans Kelsen and Max Weber are conventionally understood as initiators not only of two distinct and opposing processes of concept formation, but als...