The decision to leave a spouse is one thing. Understanding and navigating the divorce process thereafter is another entirely. Each divorce is different. The good news is that there is a general path in the overall process which can be charted. This book will show you how. Sure, you can read a pamphlet or get a free half hour with a divorce solicitor to try to understand what's going to happen to you and in which order. However, without parting with even more money, you may not really see through the fog of the overall divorce process that you may endure for many months to come. Addicted to...
The decision to leave a spouse is one thing. Understanding and navigating the divorce process thereafter is another entirely. Each divorce is differen...
You may not believe it right now, but it is true. The recession is over Sure, there will be a few more monetary 'wobbles and worries' to slow initial recovery, but nevertheless, recovery is on its way. Our return to prosperity will look different to times gone by, but it will happen, and happen soon. For now is the new business reality, especially for aspiring and mature Small to Medium Enterprises, (SME's). Exciting and possibly uncharted times lie ahead. The only question that remains is Are you and your business really ready? The economic environment is changing and both you and your...
You may not believe it right now, but it is true. The recession is over Sure, there will be a few more monetary 'wobbles and worries' to slow initial...
Voce pode nao acreditar agora, mas e verdade. A recessao acabou Certamente, havera ainda algumas oscilacoes monetarias e preocupacoes a retardar essa recuperacao inicial... no entanto, ela vem ai. O retorno a prosperidade tera um aspecto diferente com relacao a periodos homologos no passado, mas acontecera, e em breve. Ha uma nova realidade empresarial, especialmente para Pequenas e Medias Empresas (PME), aspirantes e maduras. Momentos emocionantes e inexplorados estao prestes a acontecer. A unica questao que permanece e a seguinte: Voce e a sua empresa estao realmente prontos? Como o...
Voce pode nao acreditar agora, mas e verdade. A recessao acabou Certamente, havera ainda algumas oscilacoes monetarias e preocupacoes a retardar essa...