Supreme Commander Servalan agrees to explain to Secretary Rontane how she set up the President. And when she is done, Servalan's executioners will be waiting. Cally wishes to find Captain Mani Yalleg, her instructor when she was training to be a freedom fighter. His trail leads to the Goliath System, where Cally will discover a shocking lost secret from her past. Roj Blake dreams of bringing down the Federation. Of toppling the President and Servalan and establishing a free society. What would happen if he won?
Supreme Commander Servalan agrees to explain to Secretary Rontane how she set up the President. And when she is done, Servalan's executioners will be ...
New full cast adventure for the Eighth Doctor. EPISODE 1: THE ELEVEN written by Matt Fitton. When one of Gallifrey's most notorious criminals attempts to escape from prison, Cardinal Padrac turns for help to the Time Lord who put him there in the first place. EPISODE 2: THE RED LADY written by John Dorney. A London Museum holds the key to many secrets from the past. But some secrets are so deadly they should remain locked away. Forever. EPISODE 3: THE GALILEO TRAP written by Marc Platt. With a mysterious plague sweeping through Florence, a rampaging alien behemoth comes between the Doctor and...
New full cast adventure for the Eighth Doctor. EPISODE 1: THE ELEVEN written by Matt Fitton. When one of Gallifrey's most notorious criminals attempts...
Marc Platt, Joe Kraemer, Josh Arakelian, Anthony Lamb, Jamie Anderson, Colin Baker, Miranda Raison, Lisa Greenwood
Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant and John Hurt. Colin Baker reprises his role as the Sixth Doctor, or "ol' Sixie" as he refers to the character he's played for nearly 100 Big Finish productions!
Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tenna...
Marc Platt, Jamie Robertson, Helen Goldwyn, Spencer Banks, Cheryl Burfield
The second of two confirmed volumes of Timeslip, the Groundbreaking ITV children's series. This full cast audiodrama features the cult classic's original stars, Spencer Banks and Cheryl Burfield escaping from the future into 1953. But it's a very different 1953 from the one we are used to....
The second of two confirmed volumes of Timeslip, the Groundbreaking ITV children's series. This full cast audiodrama features the cult classic's origi...