It is one of the commonplaces of history that adverse circumstances offer no obstacle to men of outstanding energy and ability. Douglas Reed, who described himself as "relatively unschooled," started out in life as an office boy at the age of thirteen and he was a bank clerk at nineteen before enlisting at the outbreak of World War I. A less promising preparation for a man destined to be one of the most brilliant political analysts and descriptive writers of the century could hardly be imagined. He was already 26 years old when he reached the London Times in 1921 as a telephonist and clerk;...
It is one of the commonplaces of history that adverse circumstances offer no obstacle to men of outstanding energy and ability. Douglas Reed, who desc...
Pour rediger cet ouvrage commence en 1951, Douglas Reed passa plus de trois ans - pour la plupart loin de sa femme et de ses jeunes enfants - a travailler a la Bibliotheque centrale de New York, ou a taper sur sa machine a ecrire dans des logements spartiates a New York ou a Montreal. Avec un zele de professionnel, le livre fut reecrit et l'epilogue seulement ajoute en 1956. Son but etait de relater l'Histoire des deux derniers millenaires et plus encore de rendre intelligible une grande partie de l'Histoire moderne, qui de nos jours reste pour les masses plongee dans les tenebres et...
Pour rediger cet ouvrage commence en 1951, Douglas Reed passa plus de trois ans - pour la plupart loin de sa femme et de ses jeunes enfants - a travai...
Douglas Reed (1895-1976), kanske mest kAnd fOr sitt huvudverk The Controversy of Zion, var under mellankrigstiden korrespondent fOr The Times i Berlin och senare Wien. Hans bOcker Oversattes till flera sprAk, bland annat svenska. Han observerade, och skrev Arligt om, de judiska attityder och strategier som ledde fram till Andra vArldskriget. Trots att han starkt ogillade Tredje riket och nationalsocialismen, vilket gOr hans iakttagelser i det avseendet desto mer intressanta.
Den hAr volymen innehAller utdrag frAn hans bok Disgrace Abounding, som publicerades precis fOre...
Douglas Reed (1895-1976), kanske mest kAnd fOr sitt huvudverk The Controversy of Zion, var under mellankrigstiden korrespondent fOr The Times i Ber...