Alessandro Citanna, John Donaldson, H. Polemarchakis, Paolo Siconolfi, Stephen Spear
In the area of dynamic economics, David Cass's work has spawned a number of important lines of research, including the study of dynamic general equilibrium theory, the concept of sunspot equilibria, and general equilibrium theory when markets are incomplete. Based on these contributions, this volume contains new developments in the field, written by Cass's students and co-authors.
In the area of dynamic economics, David Cass's work has spawned a number of important lines of research, including the study of dynamic general equ...
Alessandro Citanna, John Donaldson, H. Polemarchakis, Paolo Siconolfi, Stephen Spear
In the area of dynamic economics, David Cass's work has spawned a number of important lines of research, including the study of dynamic general equilibrium theory, the concept of sunspot equilibria, and general equilibrium theory when markets are incomplete. Based on these contributions, this volume contains new developments in the field, written by Cass's students and co-authors.
In the area of dynamic economics, David Cass's work has spawned a number of important lines of research, including the study of dynamic general equ...
David Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a philosophical classic that displays a powerful mastery of the critical thinking skills of reasoning and evaluation. Hume's subject, the question of the existence and possible nature of God, was, and still is, a persistent topic of philosophical and theological debate. What makes Hume's text a classic of reasoning, though, is less what he says, than how he says it. As he noted in his preface to the book, the question of 'natural religion' was unanswerable: so 'obscure and uncertain' that 'human reason can reach no fixed determination with...
David Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a philosophical classic that displays a powerful mastery of the critical thinking skills of reas...