'Roald Dahl by way of Charles Dickens' - Vox.com The ghastly climax to the gothic Iremonger trilogyThe dirt town of Foulsham has been destroyed, its ashes still smoldering. Darkness lies heavily over the city, the sun has not come up for days. Inside the houses throughout the capital, ordinary objects have begun to move.
'Roald Dahl by way of Charles Dickens' - Vox.com The ghastly climax to the gothic Iremonger trilogyThe dirt town of Foulsham has been destroyed, its a...
A storm is brewing over Heap House. The Iremongers are growing restless and the whispers are getting louder. When Clod meets Lucy Pennant, a girl newly arrived from the city, everything changes. The secrets that bind Heap House together begin to unravel to reveal a dark truth that threatens to destory Clod's world.
A storm is brewing over Heap House. The Iremongers are growing restless and the whispers are getting louder. When Clod meets Lucy Pennant, a girl newl...
Dark, gothic and delightfully macabre, the Iremonger family return...Foulsham, London's great filth repository, is bursting at the seams. The walls that keep the muck in are buckling, rubbish is spilling over the top, back into the city that it came from. In the Iremonger family offices, Grandfather Umbitt Iremonger broods: in his misery and fury at the people of London, he has found a way of making everyday objects assume human shape, and turning real people into objects. Abandoned in the depths of the Heaps, Lucy Pennant has been rescued by a terrifying creature, Binadit Iremonger - more...
Dark, gothic and delightfully macabre, the Iremonger family return...Foulsham, London's great filth repository, is bursting at the seams. The walls th...
Hlavní hrdina knihy Klod patří do bohaté, vlivné rodiny Iremongerů, která své jmění vybudovala doslova z odpadků. Uprostřed Velkého smetiště stojí jejich ohromné sídlo přezdívané Smetištejn, které se však podobá spíše živoucímu bludišti plnému tajných chodeb a schodišť. Rozvětvená rodina Iremongerů je více než zvláštní, každý její člen při narození dostane do vínku tzv. rodný předmět, který musí neustále nosit u sebe. Klod například vlastní zátku do vany. Divné, že? A ještě divnější je, že Klod slyší, jak všechny tyto...
Hlavní hrdina knihy Klod patří do bohaté, vlivné rodiny Iremongerů, která své jmění vybudovala doslova z odpadků. Uprostřed Velkého smeti...