The credit card industry today is a multi-trillion dollar business that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and impacts literally billions of people every day. Yet there is no comprehensive book or reference material available in the marketplace that provides fact-based perspectives on how to develop and manage a successful card business - despite the significant demand from all those involved in the industry. Developing and Managing a Successful Payment Cards Business offers information, analysis, observations, perspectives and advice on developing and managing a card...
The credit card industry today is a multi-trillion dollar business that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and impacts literally...
The credit card industry today is a multi-trillion dollar business that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and impacts literally billions of people every day. Yet there is no comprehensive book or reference material available in the marketplace that provides fact-based perspectives on how to develop and manage a successful card business - despite the significant demand from all those involved in the industry. Developing and Managing a Successful Payment Cards Business offers information, analysis, observations, perspectives and advice on developing and managing a card...
The credit card industry today is a multi-trillion dollar business that employs hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and impacts literally...