The last few decades have seen significant changes in the structure of business organizations, including downsizing, outsourcing and flattened management structures. The effects on employees have been considerable. In this context the importance of the psychological contract between employer and employee has been overlooked, and there is uncertainty about what can be done to bring about changes to this contract and ultimately the future of organizations. This important book considers the psychological aspects of organizational life, particularly in the context of firms' ethical behaviour and...
The last few decades have seen significant changes in the structure of business organizations, including downsizing, outsourcing and flattened managem...
CSR is a fragile concept if conceived only at the organizational level or driven only by leadership will. Many writers deal with aspects of social responsibility, but most deal with it as this kind of organizational and voluntary initiative. Few address the wider policy agenda. The contributors to Territories of Social Responsibility - researchers and practitioners from four continents - all participated in an international workshop co-ordinated by Patricia Almeida Ashley as part of her role as Chair in Development and Equity at the International Institute of Social Studies. They form a...
CSR is a fragile concept if conceived only at the organizational level or driven only by leadership will. Many writers deal with aspects of social res...
Over the last decade of the 20th century, the question of the relationship between organisations and society was subject to much debate, often of a critical nature. The decade saw protests concerning the actions of organizations, exposures of corporate exploitation and unfolding accounting scandals. At the same time, ethical behaviour and a concern for the environment have been shown to have a positive correlation with corporate performance. The nature of corporate social responsibility is therefore a topical one for businesses and academics. corporate social responsibility and how this might...
Over the last decade of the 20th century, the question of the relationship between organisations and society was subject to much debate, often of a cr...
It is now 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. An important achievement of the conference was an agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol. Another was agreement to 'not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate'. Recently we have seen an updated and revised conference in Rio where the same issues were again discussed. Since then ideas about...
It is now 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. An...
Corporate social responsibility now touches upon most aspects of the interaction between business and society. The approaches taken to research in this area are as varied as the topics that are researched; yet this is the first book to address the whole range of methods available. The book identifies the methods available, evaluates their use and discusses the circumstances in which they might be appropriate. It also includes forward-thinking guidance from experienced academics on the future directions of research in the area.
Corporate social responsibility now touches upon most aspects of the interaction between business and society. The approaches taken to research in thi...