Our knowledge of cerebellar functions and cerebellar disorders, called ataxias, is increasing considerably. Studies of the cerebellum are now a central focus in neuroscience. During the last four decades, many laboratories worldwide have dedicated their research activities to understanding the roles of the cerebellum in motor control, cognitive processes and biology of mental processes, behavioral symptoms, and emotion. It is now accepted that the cerebellum acts as a cognitive operator in learning, perception, and attention. Moreover, major improvements in our assessment of in vivo...
Our knowledge of cerebellar functions and cerebellar disorders, called ataxias, is increasing considerably. Studies of the cerebellum are now a centra...
Tremor represents one of the most common movement disorders worldwide. It affects both sexes and may occur at any age. In most cases, tremor is disabling and causes social difficulties, resulting in poorer quality of life. Tremor is now recognized as a public health issue given the aging of the population. Tremor is a complex phenomenon that has attracted the attention of scientists from various disciplines. Tremor results from dynamic interactions between multiple synaptically coupled neuronal systems and the biomechanical, physical, and electrical properties of the external effectors. ...
Tremor represents one of the most common movement disorders worldwide. It affects both sexes and may occur at any age. In most cases, tremor is disabl...