Otto Matta is a regular 12 year old boy, who is thrown into the world of time traveling on his first day of Junior High School. After a tragic event, he learns that his seemingly regular Grandfather is actually a member of the secret Time Tree Society, a group of time travelers that direct the course of history. Otto is hunted through time by the nefarious Tito Feldspar, a time traveler intent on taking over the Time Tree Society. Ottos ingenuity and character are tested time and again. If he passes the test, he will save the world, if he doesnt, we will all be lost in the Time Tree.
Otto Matta is a regular 12 year old boy, who is thrown into the world of time traveling on his first day of Junior High School. After a tragic event,...
As a radical critique of theoretical sociological orthodoxy, The Dominant Ideology Thesis has generated controversy since first publication. It has also been widely accepted, however, as a major critical appraisal of one central theoretical concern within modern Marxism and an important contribution to the current debate about the functions of ideology in social life.
As a radical critique of theoretical sociological orthodoxy, The Dominant Ideology Thesis has generated controversy since first publication....