You already knew you were good You didn't need to start a business to prove it, but you were ready to do that at the time. Now, if you have time to refl ect, it's clear that it was the right decision. Yes, it was a bit of an egotistical whirlwind at the outset, and why wouldn't it be? The business has grown, matured and perhaps even become a bit comfortable by now. Inspirational innovation and business disruption are there to be explored and embraced. So, you ask yourself, what's next? The World Economic Forum suggested in January 2016 that this is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Wow What...
You already knew you were good You didn't need to start a business to prove it, but you were ready to do that at the time. Now, if you have time to r...
Keith Churchouse, Valeria Haasper, Rosana Reicher Chazan
VocE jA sabia que era bom NAo era necessArio abrir o seu prOprio negOcio para o provar, mas isso se deu no momento certo: quando estava pronto para fazE-lo. Olhando para trAs, se tiver um tempo para refl etir, E claro que foi a decisAo certa. Sim, no inIcio foi um turbilhAo um tanto egoIsta, e por que nAo seria? Agora, a sua empresa cresceu, madureceu e talvez atE jA esteja na sua zona de conforto. A inovaCAo inspiradora e a interrupCAo dos negOcios estAo aI para serem exploradas e abraCadas.
EntAo vocE se pergunta, o que virA a seguir? O FOrum EconOmico Mundial sugeriu em janeiro...
VocE jA sabia que era bom NAo era necessArio abrir o seu prOprio negOcio para o provar, mas isso se deu no momento certo: quando estava pronto par...