Thierry Poibeau, Horacio Saggion, Jakub Piskorski, Roman Yangarber
Information extraction (IE) and text summarization (TS) are powerful technologies for finding relevant pieces of information in text and presenting them to the user in condensed form. The ongoing information explosion makes IE and TS critical for successful functioning within the information society.
These technologies face particular challenges due to the inherent multi-source nature of the information explosion. The technologies must now handle not isolated texts or individual narratives, but rather large-scale repositories and streams---in general, in multiple...
Information extraction (IE) and text summarization (TS) are powerful technologies for finding relevant pieces of information in text and presenting...
Thierry Poibeau, Horacio Saggion, Jakub Piskorski, Roman Yangarber
Information extraction (IE) and text summarization (TS) are powerful technologies for finding relevant pieces of information in text and presenting them to the user in condensed form. The ongoing information explosion makes IE and TS critical for successful functioning within the information society.
These technologies face particular challenges due to the inherent multi-source nature of the information explosion. The technologies must now handle not isolated texts or individual narratives, but rather large-scale repositories and streams---in general, in multiple...
Information extraction (IE) and text summarization (TS) are powerful technologies for finding relevant pieces of information in text and presenting...
Thanks to the availability of texts on the Web in recent years, increased knowledge and information have been made available to broader audiences. However, the way in which a text is written-its vocabulary, its syntax-can be difficult to read and understand for many people, especially those with poor literacy, cognitive or linguistic impairment, or those with limited knowledge of the language of the text. Texts containing uncommon words or long and complicated sentences can be difficult to read and understand by people as well as difficult to analyze by machines. Automatic text simplification...
Thanks to the availability of texts on the Web in recent years, increased knowledge and information have been made available to broader audiences. How...