This timely and valuable book explores the development of international human rights law over the last six decades. The volume brings together leading experts to reflect on different aspects of human rights law, not only considering and evaluating the developments so far, but also identifying relevant problems and proposing relevant possible perspectives for the continued positive future development of human rights law. The book is international in perspective, both in scope and context, and covers developments in the international protection of human rights since the adoption of the UDHR in...
This timely and valuable book explores the development of international human rights law over the last six decades. The volume brings together leading...
This volume is a comprehensive and authoritative comparative analysis which asks whether Muslim States can comply with international human rights law whilst adhering to Islamic law. The traditional arguments on this subject are examined and responded to from both international human rights and Islamic legal perspectives. Through this analysis, it offers a clear vision of the realisation of international human rights within the application of Islamic law.
This volume is a comprehensive and authoritative comparative analysis which asks whether Muslim States can comply with international human rights law ...
Islamic substantive law, otherwise called branches of the law (furA' al-fiqh), covers the textual provisions and jurisprudential rulings relating to specific transactions under Islamic law. It is to Islamic substantive law that the rules of Islamic legal theory are applied. The relationship between Islamic legal theory and Islamic substantive law is metaphorically described by Islamic jurists as a process of 'cultivation' (istithmA r), whereby the qualified jurist (mujtahid), as the 'cultivator', uses relevant rules of legal theory to harvest the substantive law on specific issues in form of...
Islamic substantive law, otherwise called branches of the law (furA' al-fiqh), covers the textual provisions and jurisprudential rulings relating to s...
Islamic legal theory (usAl al-fiqh) is literally regarded as 'the roots of the law' whilst Islamic jurists consider it to be the basis of Islamic jurisprudence and thus an essential aspect of Islamic law. This volume addresses the sources, methods and principles of Islamic law leading to an appreciation of the skills of independent juristic and legal reasoning necessary for deriving specific rulings from the established sources of the law. The articles engage critically with relevant traditional views to enable a diagnostic understanding of the different issues, covering both SunnA and ShA'A...
Islamic legal theory (usAl al-fiqh) is literally regarded as 'the roots of the law' whilst Islamic jurists consider it to be the basis of Islamic juri...
Islamic law influences the lives of Muslims today as aspects of the law are applied as part of State law in different forms in many areas of the world. This volume provides a much needed collection of articles that explore the complexities involved in the application of Islamic law within the contemporary legal systems of different countries today, with particular reference to Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, Malaysia and Pakistan. The articles identify the relevant areas of difficulties and also propose possible ways of realising a more effective and equitable application...
Islamic law influences the lives of Muslims today as aspects of the law are applied as part of State law in different forms in many areas of the world...