Calcium carbide releases acetylene gas upon its reaction with water that is further converted to ethylene in soil due to microbial reduction. Acetylene inhibits the activity of ammonia-oxidizing enzymes involved in the nitrification process, thus resulting in the inhibition of nitrification and denitrification processes and increase in the nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency. A series of studies were conducted with collaboration of Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan during 2008-2011. The outcomes of these studies demonstrated the improvement in growth and yield of vegetable crops...
Calcium carbide releases acetylene gas upon its reaction with water that is further converted to ethylene in soil due to microbial reduction. Acetylen...
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of ACC deaminase rhizobacteria on the ACC-induced classical "triple" response in etiolated pea seedlings. Etiolated pea seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of ACC (0, 2, through 10 mmol L-1), in 100 ml glass beakers placed in airtight mason jars wrapped in green foil and incubated under dark for seven days. In another study pea seedlings were inoculated with five strains of rhizobacteria which vary in their ACC-deaminase activity. These inoculated pea seedlings were exposed to 10 mmol L-1 ACC and incubated in the darkness at...
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of ACC deaminase rhizobacteria on the ACC-induced classical "triple" response in etiolated pea s...
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the main cash crops of Pakistan. It has played a significant role in industrial development and employment generation. It is known as backbone of Pakistan s economy. Its impact on the economic development of the country is well established and it is rightly known as silver fiber of Pakistan. It occupies the 2nd position with respect to cultivated area in the country. During 2007-08 the cotton production was 12 million bales from an area of 3.05 million ha (Anonymous, 2008). Chemical fertilizers which have nutrients available, can provide sufficient...
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the main cash crops of Pakistan. It has played a significant role in industrial development and employment ge...
Water availability for sustainable agriculture is becoming extremely critical factor with passage of time. There is dire need to enhance water use efficiency in crops so that higher crop yields could be obtained from limited sources of water. A series of experiments conducted during last several years under field conditions to assess the effectiveness of novel bacteria having ACC-deaminase enzyme for improving growth and yield of cereals. After intensive screening of bacteria, we have successfully isolated a few bacterial strains containing ACC-deaminase enzyme which showed tremendous...
Water availability for sustainable agriculture is becoming extremely critical factor with passage of time. There is dire need to enhance water use eff...
Vultures can be regarded as a natural resource, like air and water which provide society with a number of services most probably the disposal of carrion, especially livestock carcasses. These services have an impact on human health, economic activity and on environmental quality. In 1980s, vultures were so abundant around human settlements and Gyps bengalensis was regarded as possibly the most abundant large bird of prey in the world. Populations of three Gyps species (G. bengalensis, G. indicus and G. tenuirostris) have dramatically declined within the past 10 years and have recently been...
Vultures can be regarded as a natural resource, like air and water which provide society with a number of services most probably the disposal of carri...