Das Buch bietet den gegenw{rtigen Kenntnisstand zu Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie der ZNS-Metastasierung des Mammakar- zinoms. Im einzelnen werden die parenchymat-sen Hirnmetasta- sen, die Meningiosis carcionomatosa und diemetastasenbe- dingte R}ckenmarkkompression besprochen.
Das Buch bietet den gegenw{rtigen Kenntnisstand zu Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie der ZNS-Metastasierung des Mammakar- zinoms. Im einzelnen werden di...
"China threat" has been one of hotly debated topics since the early 1990s, and this book is an effort to test the China threat thesis. The author argues that a test of the China threat thesis requires addressing two fundamental questions: whether China has the capabilities to challenge the international system and whether China has the motivations to do so. This book will offer a systematic study of China's foreign policy motivations by resorting to an image approach. The conclusion as to whether China is a status quo or a revisionist country will be reached by exploring how consideration of...
"China threat" has been one of hotly debated topics since the early 1990s, and this book is an effort to test the China threat thesis. The author argu...