Es un cuento tierno de como una pareja de conejos tienen su propio bebe por medio de un ovulo donado. Acompanados por conejos, los ninos pueden entender facilmente este metodo de una manera amorosa y natural."
Es un cuento tierno de como una pareja de conejos tienen su propio bebe por medio de un ovulo donado. Acompanados por conejos, los ninos pueden entend...
Now-a-days many children are born through egg donation. This touching story of how a happy couple of rabbits have their own baby by means of egg donation. Using rabbits in this story enables children to easily understand their conception in a simple and loving way. It is through storytelling that parents can explain and children understand naturally these infertility treatments.
Now-a-days many children are born through egg donation. This touching story of how a happy couple of rabbits have their own baby by means of egg donat...