Deification penetrates all spheres of human existence, and can be seen as an answer to most pending ultimate questions. It is essentially practical in its manifestation and uplifting in its content, but nevertheless, always evasive and arcane in its comprehension. Aimed both at those who are already students of theosis and at those who are looking for an introductory text, this book contains biblical and historical-theological essays that offer innovative approaches to the issue of theosis the transformation of believers into the likeness of God. The interconnection between deification and...
Deification penetrates all spheres of human existence, and can be seen as an answer to most pending ultimate questions. It is essentially practical in...
Description: ."" . . that you may become partakers in the divine nature"" 2 Peter 1:4 ""The theme of deification intimately touches on human identity and the actualization of humanity's ultimate purpose. It is predominantly an anthropological and soteriological expression of Christian theology. At the same time, it testifies to the identity of a Christian God, divine universal design, and God's economy, where the trinitarian and christological apprehension receives the central place. Theosis, both on an individual and cosmic scale, is not exiguous in its eschatological perspective, either....
Description: ."" . . that you may become partakers in the divine nature"" 2 Peter 1:4 ""The theme of deification intimately touches on human identity ...
Description: This book traces the emergence and development of the deification theme in Greek patristic theology and its subsequent transformation into the theology of theosis in Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. This volume dwells on the deification theme as it is situated in the complex context of its historical development and thus avoids the common tendency to treat this notion of Christian theology in an anachronistic manner. Significant attention is given to the influence of Neoplatonism on Pseudo-Dionysius. His theology is justified neither as essentially ""orthodox"" Christian nor as...
Description: This book traces the emergence and development of the deification theme in Greek patristic theology and its subsequent transformation int...
Description: ""'Deification' refers to the transformation of believers into the likeness of God. Of course, Christian monotheism goes against any literal 'god making' of believers. Rather, the NT speaks of a transformation of mind, a metamorphosis of character, a redefinition of selfhood, and an imitation of God. Most of these passages are tantalizingly brief, and none spells out the concept in detail. ""Deification was an important idea in the early church, though it took a long time for one term to emerge as the standard label for the process. That term was qe/wsij, theosis, coined by the...
Description: ""'Deification' refers to the transformation of believers into the likeness of God. Of course, Christian monotheism goes against any lite...