I, Jose Miguel Baez, an esoteric, apocryphal, philosophical and Kabbalist writer with a College degree in Anthropology from Lehman College brings you the English version of the book, La Filosofia Del Libro De Hermes Mercurio Trismegisto under its English name, The Book of Djehuti and I am also known in Face Book as, Al-Adan Mikael Ben HaKadosh. In my last literary work, I bring you the ancient philosophy of the magical prayers and rituals of the hermetic philosophy of the wisest and most powerful sacred scribe, high priest, magician, hierophant adept and seer of the ancient Egyptians, which I...
I, Jose Miguel Baez, an esoteric, apocryphal, philosophical and Kabbalist writer with a College degree in Anthropology from Lehman College brings you ...
The Thüringia Codex is a book based on ancient Egyptian philosophy, theology, psychology, and metaphysics, and it deals with the branches of philosophical thought, analysis, and speculation of esthetics, ethics, epistemology, logic, and metaphysics through the Memphis Theological System, by which heaven and paradise, the Aaru, exist within you and not externally, as in the Western world and mind-set.
The Thüringia Codex is a book based on ancient Egyptian philosophy, theology, psychology, and metaphysics, and it deals with the branches of philosop...