Man Ray, surrealist master and exponent of the Dada movement, managed to reinvent not only the photographic language, but also the representation of the body and face, as well as the genres of the nude and the portrait themselves. This book brings together around 200 photographs produced from the 1920s right up to his death in 1976, all featuring female subjects.Through rayographs, solarisations and double exposures, the female body undergoes a continual metamorphosis of forms and meanings, becoming an abstract form, an object of seduction, classical memory or realistic portrait, in...
Man Ray, surrealist master and exponent of the Dada movement, managed to reinvent not only the photographic language, but also the representation of t...
Photographer of excellence, and among the most appreciated in the contemporary art scene, the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (1959) is to be considered one of the greatest interpreters of modern portrait photography: he is known all over the world for a photographic style dominated by mysterious and contemplative atmospheres, for his mise en scene and theatrical compositions. In his shots Olaf weaves complex and dramatic narratives. His works are striking in their strangeness, their will to provoke, their sense of solitude and restlessness: they catch glimpses of truth, which reveal the...
Photographer of excellence, and among the most appreciated in the contemporary art scene, the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (1959) is to be considered...
This volume is dedicated to the phenomenon of staged photography, the trend that has revolutionised the photographic language since the 1980s. Through over 100 works, the catalogue tells how photography was able to reach the heights of fantasy and invention between the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st-century, previously almost exclusively entrusted to cinema and painting. Goldfish invading bedrooms, icefalls in the desert, imaginary cities, Marilyn Monroe and Lady D shopping together: all of this can happen thanks to veritable stages set up in order to build a parallel...
This volume is dedicated to the phenomenon of staged photography, the trend that has revolutionised the photographic language since the 1980s. Thro...
Walter Guadagnini Claudio Composti Giangavino Pazzola
This book covers the last 20 years of artistic research by one of the leading contemporary Italian photographers: Walter Niedermayr. Through the recurring themes of his work such as Alpine landscapes, architecture and the relationship between public and private spaces, the artist's interest in investigating places not only from a geographical but also from a social point of view is highlighted. Although in continuity with the legacy of the Italian photographic tradition, which views the landscape as the key to interpreting society, Niedermayr's visual research is significant in terms of...
This book covers the last 20 years of artistic research by one of the leading contemporary Italian photographers: Walter Niedermayr. Through the recur...