Dr. Cam Caldwell and Dr. Verl Anderson have written extensively about successful organizations and the obligation of leaders and human resource professionals in todays challenging world. This new book focuses on the need for a new transformative approach to human resource management to redefine individuals lives and organizational cultures. Dr. Cam Caldwell and Dr. Verl Anderson combine outstanding scholarly experience with more than twenty-five years of practitioner insights into explaining how and why human resource professionals must recalibrate their sites in contributing to their...
Dr. Cam Caldwell and Dr. Verl Anderson have written extensively about successful organizations and the obligation of leaders and human resource profes...
This new book identifies insights about the ethical issues associated with trust and trustworthiness, and their relationship to the leaders obligations as an ethical steward. The purpose of this book is to identify the importance of trust and trustworthiness in the Transformative Era, a time when constant change and the increasing demands of customers make it paramount for organizations to obtain the commitment, followership, and extra-role behaviors required to compete in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous global marketplace. Unfortunately, leaders today have failed to earn the...
This new book identifies insights about the ethical issues associated with trust and trustworthiness, and their relationship to the leaders obligation...
The notion of justice for all has been a noble ideal and a foundation of human relationships in enlightened society for millennia. The Greeks and Romans viewed justice as the basis for the rule of law that governed interactions and that served as the standard for determining rights and responsibilities. Today the notion of social justice permeates political dialogue and has become the justification for social unrest and discord. The focus of this book is on the personal side of justice and its importance in individual lives. Although justice is a lofty concept and is often spoken of as if its...
The notion of justice for all has been a noble ideal and a foundation of human relationships in enlightened society for millennia. The Greeks and Roma...
The message of this book, Emotional Intelligence and the Leader's Role, confirms that a leader's emotional intelligence is more important than how much he or she knows. The challenge of this book to existing and would-be leaders is to look within and to recognize the power of emotional intelligence as an opportunity to honor the people who leaders are obligated to lead and serve. We believe that emotional intelligence asks leaders to genuinely love those with whom they labor and provides a basis for treating people so well that they become the best version of themselves.
The message of this book, Emotional Intelligence and the Leader's Role, confirms that a leader's emotional intelligence is more important than how muc...
This book addresses the importance of employee engagement - the degree to which employees feel connected to their organizations, dedicated to its purposes, and able to utilize their talents to help organizations to succeed. The alarming findings of leadership research confirm that more employees currently feel negatively engaged than fully positively engaged in their relationships with leaders, managers, and supervisors. In addition to identifying the nature of engagement, we have explained why those who lead organizations are so often ineffective - and we offer suggestions throughout this...
This book addresses the importance of employee engagement - the degree to which employees feel connected to their organizations, dedicated to its purp...